Alt + H then AC - Aligns characters to the center.Alt + H then AR - Aligns characters to the right.Alt + H then AL - Aligns characters to the left.Alt + H then MA - Merge all columns in your selection.Alt + H then MC - Merge and then center.Alt + H then W - Wraps and unwraps text.The user can enter the name of the font to use or use the up and down arrows to navigate to it. Alt + H, then FF - The font face section of the ribbon is selected.Alt + H, HC then N - Select No fill color.Alt + H then HC - Select a color to fill the cell.Ctrl + Shift + 6 - Applies the scientific number format.Ctrl + Shift + 5 - Applies decimal format.Ctrl + Shift + 4 - Applies the Currency format with 2 decimal places.Ctrl + Shift + 3 - Applies the day, month and year date format.Ctrl + Shift + 2 - Applies the hour and minute time format with AM and PM.Ctrl + Shift + 1 - Applies the number format with the thousands separator and two decimal places.Ctrl + Shift + ~ - Applies the general number formatting.Ctrl + 5 - Adds or removes the strikethrough formatting.Ctrl + Shift + F - The cell format dialog box is opened with the font tab active.

Ctrl + P - Print, displays printing options.Alt + F, then O - Open an existing file with the Excel file manager.Ctrl + O - Open an existing file through the open dialog box.Alt+ F then A - Save through the Excel file manager.F12 - Save the file through the save dialog box.Ctrl + Shift + S - Enables the save your work as command.Ctrl+ Alt + V - Opens the Paste Special window.Ctrl + + - Pastes the copied cell ad pushed the content down or to the right.Ctrl + ' - Duplicate the formula from the cell above the selected cell.Ctrl + - Inserts the current date into the cell.Ctrl + I or Ctrl + 3 - Apply or remove the italicize the font.Ctrl + B or Ctrl +2 - Apply or remove bold font.Ctrl + U - Apply or remove an underline.If a column has been selected, then the column will be duplicated in the column to the right. Ctrl + R - Insert content in the selected cell from the cell to the left.If a row has been selected, then the row will be duplicated in the row below. Ctrl + D - Insert content in the selected cell from the cell above it.Ctrl + V - Paste contents from a copied cell from a clipboard.Ctrl + C - Copy contents of a cell to the clipboard.Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Move to the previous open worksheet.Ctrl + Tab - Swap between open worksheets.Continuous use will move the cursor in a clockwise manner between corners. Moves to the corner of the selected cells. Page Up - Moves the worksheet view one screen up.Page Down - Moves the worksheet view one screen down.Alt + Page Up - Moves the worksheet one page to the left.Alt + Page Down - Moves the worksheet one page to the right.Shift + Tab - Moves the cursor one cell to the left in a worksheet.Tab - Moves the cursor one cell to the right in a worksheet.Ctrl + arrow keys - Moves the cursor to the last cell with data in the selected direction.arrow keys - Moves the cursor one cell in the selected direction.Ctrl + G - Displays the Go To dialog box.

CTRL + G then B10 goes to column B, row 10. Ctrl + G and type cell reference - Goes to the cell at the intersection of the reference.Ctrl + End - Moves the cursor to the last cell of the worksheet that contains content.Ctrl + Home - Moves the cursor to the top left cell of the worksheet.Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the row.